Signs Of Gaining Muscle and Losing Fat

Signs Of Gaining Muscle and Losing Fat

Discover the key signs of gaining muscle and losing fat, from improved strength and body composition to enhanced endurance. Learn how to track your progress effectively!

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With training, we all have one goal in mind – visible results. Whether you’re aiming to build muscle, lose fat, or both, tracking your progress becomes a priority.

However, even if you’re hitting the gym, achieving your desired results doesn’t come instantly. Your body may look the same, and the number on the scale may be the same as when you initially started. So, this leaves you wondering – is your hard work at the gym actually paying off?

To give you the short answer (and some peace of mind), the answer is an absolute yes! Although visible results may not come as quickly as you want them to, you can rest assured that your body is undergoing significant changes. That is, if you remain consistent with your training routines and nutrition.

To truly determine whether you’re on the right track with your progress, it’s essential to recognize the signs of gaining muscle and losing fat. These signs go beyond changes in body composition and also include improved performance and endurance.

For that reason, in this article, we’ll go through the signs of gaining muscle and losing fat. We’ll also provide some tips on how to keep track of your progress as well as supplement recommendations to help you reach your desired goals. You are well on your way to ensuring your hard work is paying off and helping you achieve your goals. 

How Do You Know If Your Muscles Are Growing and You’re Losing Fat?

1. Body Composition Changes

Typically, the biggest sign of gaining muscle and losing fat is seeing your body change. However, as previously mentioned, you already know that visible results won’t happen overnight.

Before anything else, you should know that if you’re a beginner, noticeable changes will appear within 2–4 months. However, every body is different, so progress may come sooner or later for some than for others. With that said, it is important for you to stick to your gym routine and nutrition plan and not compare yourself to others.

The first difference you might notice is an improved muscle definition. Your arms and shoulders will appear bigger since there’s not a lot of fat stored around these areas. Additionally, your abdomen and hips will seem slimmer, and you may even notice some toning that you have overlooked before.

So, what’s the fastest way to know whether you’re building muscle and losing fat? It’s easy – just see how your clothes fit and feel. For instance, those jeans that have felt snug for the longest time may be significantly more comfortable. As for your shirts, they will start feeling tighter around the arms and back. Finally, you’ll notice improvements in your posture – you’ll appear taller and stand straighter due to improved core strength. 

2. Improved Strength and Endurance

If you’re an absolute beginner, you won’t feel strong enough to lift a lot of weight which may leave you feeling intimidated. However, that’s nothing to be worried about! You need to remember that everyone was in your position at one point or another, and with consistent practice, your strength will only go up. It is important to push yourself within your limits and not to overlift weights that may be to heavy for you. While pushing yourself is always encouraged, it’s important to get reps in with the weight you feel comfortable with.

Speaking of improved strength, this is a major sign you’re gaining muscle and losing fat. Best of all, you can even feel this change from week two!

Since your body gains muscle, you will be able to lift heavier weights and even complete more repetitions. If you’re dialing in on your nutrition with supplements such as creatine, this change will be even more visible! Additionally, if there are some exercises you have previously struggled with and they start to feel easier to perform, this is a clear indication that your muscles are becoming stronger and more toned, meaning you’re on the right track!

Of course, don’t forget about endurance, especially when it comes to cardio. Whether you’re on the treadmill, elliptical, or stepper, it’s quite normal to feel fatigued and out of breath after exercising for some time. But, as you progress, you will notice that you can perform cardio for much longer and you won’t feel as fatigued. 

3. Recovery Feels Easier

Remember the soreness after your very first gym session? Even though feeling pumped is one of the best feelings in the world, the soreness in your muscles wasn’t certainly the most comfortable. But hey, at least you know you’ve performed like a beast!

But you should know that with consistent exercise, that soreness won’t feel as uncomfortable all the time. Recovery time is very important for muscle growth since overworking them may result in an adverse effect. As you progress, recovery will improve, so you can tolerate training more frequently and intensely, leading you one step closer to your desired goals. 

4. Measurement Changes

How do you know if you’re losing fat? Just get a tape measure!

While visible body composition changes are clear signs of gaining muscle and losing fat, getting statistics will give you that push of motivation you need.

No matter if you’re just starting out or a seasoned gym rat, take a tape measure and start measuring all parts of your body including your arms, chest, hips, waist, and legs. Be sure you’re super specific with your measurements so you can get accurate results and see how much you’re progressing. After a few weeks, repeat the same process and keep track of your numbers.

For instance, if you have a slimmer waist and hips, specifically if the numbers are lower, this means you are efficiently burning fat. Alternatively, if your arms, chest, and thighs are getting bigger, your muscle definition and size is likely improving.

Although measuring may seem like a hassle at first, it will come in handy for those who want to be specific with their progress. On top of that, even if your results aren’t visibly showing (at least, not at the moment), the numbers of your measurements won’t lie! These measurements can also be a key tool in setting ongoing goals with clear numerical targets for you to reach. 

5. Scale Changes

The numbers on the scale are also a big sign of gaining muscle and losing fat. But, it may get a bit tricky, or rather confusing, especially for those who aim for muscle building.

Namely, the first thing that most people do when they start training is get on a scale and take note of their weight. After a few weeks, they repeat the process to see how much of a progress they’re making.

But what happens when the scale numbers remain the same despite you giving it you're all at the gym?

Well, in the beginning, this is nothing to worry about! Fat is the major contributor to your weight. But, once you start working out, you burn fat and build muscle. With that in mind, even if the scale numbers remain the same, this time, your muscles contribute to your weight. With consistent exercise, these numbers will grow, assuring you you’re doing everything right!

Naturally, if your aim is weight loss, the numbers on the scale should drop, and the best way to get there is through cardio & weightlifting. However, the only thing you should be worried about is if you’re not gaining weight while your goal is to build muscle. This indicates there might be some issues with your routine or nutrition, meaning tweaks could be necessary. 

6. Improvements In Metabolic Rate

Have you noticed that seasoned gym rats tend to eat a lot?

Well, as you’re building muscle and burning fat, your body will need more energy to rest. With that said, you may also experience an increased appetite.

However, even if you’re eating more than usual, you’ll notice that you won’t gain weight or lose any of your muscle definition. The reason for this is that your increased muscle tissue burns off the food you consume. In other words, you don’t need to feel guilty about your increased appetite and your changed eating habits – as long as you’re sticking to your nutrition plan.

Also, your improved metabolic rate will contribute to increased energy levels. You’ll feel more pepped up during the day, allowing you to work even harder at the gym. But remember, for your muscles to grow, rest is absolutely needed. That said, make sure you get plenty of sleep each night and don’t work the same muscle groups two days in a row. 

7. Reduced Body Fat Percentage

While this may seem like an obvious sign of gaining muscle and losing fat, it’s an important one. Indicators of a lower body fat percentage include reduced skinfold measurements using calipers, decreased bioelectrical impedance, and a leaner overall appearance. A lower skinfold caliper reading means your body is storing less subcutaneous fat. Additionally, because body fat can interfere with bioelectrical signals, an improvement in bioelectrical measurements also signifies a reduction in body fat. 

8. You Get Compliments!

In addition to your improved physique and strength, getting compliments is undoubtedly one of the best signs you’re building muscle!

Let’s face it – everybody loves a toned body and people love to compliment it. When you’re the one receiving them, you feel that all of your efforts and hard work are recognized. What’s best, compliments only inspire you to keep pushing forward, making you closer to your dream body! 

How To Keep Track Of Your Progress?

Now that you know the signs of gaining muscle and losing fat, you need to learn how to keep track of your progress. Luckily, there are a few ways you can do this, all of which feel incredibly rewarding! 

1. Take Photos

If there is one thing all gym-goers love to do is to take pictures of their body. Not only is this incredibly motivating but you literally get a clear picture of your performance.

So, every week, take pictures of your body from the front and back. Be sure to do this while your muscles are recovering since pumped muscles may provide the wrong result. Additionally, we all know that lighting can play tricks on the eye, so your photos should be taken in the same lighting conditions each time.

There are many apps that can remind you to do this, but you can do it yourself and place the photos in a separate album. If you want to make the experience even more rewarding, make a timelapse of your photos. 

2. Take Measurements

We’ve covered how taking measurements can inspire your progress, but it’s also a way of keeping track of your progress. Measure your entire body every few weeks, and get on a scale each week.

You can even display your measurement numbers somewhere you can see every day which will inspire you to go even harder! 

3. Have An “Outfit”

This may seem like an odd idea at first, but you have no idea how rewarding it can feel! 

We all have that one T-shirt or pair of jeans that feels a bit too loose, making your body seem thinner than it actually is. With that said, this exact outfit can serve as training inspiration! 

Try on the outfit every few weeks, taking note of how it looks and how you feel in it. Over time, it will start to feel tighter and tighter. Once it’s so tight you can barely wear it, know that you’ve done an excellent job with your progress! 

Over to You

Recognizing the signs of gaining muscle and losing fat will help you stay consistent with your fitness journey. Even the smallest change can feel like your work is paying off, but in order to achieve said changes, you must be disciplined and patient with the way you work out. After all, these are the key elements of success!

Of course, while regular exercise and proper nutrition will help you achieve your desired goals, a bit of extra help goes a long way. For your muscle-building journey, that would be supplementation! Be sure to browse our supplements that will help you train smarter and play harder! 

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